Writer’s Meh

Oh, the irony. As I sit down at lunch to write this, I am feeling rather ‘meh’ about it all. So, what is Writer’s Meh (yes, I named it)? Is it the same as Writer’s Block?

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7 things you didn’t know about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

This week is ‘OCD Awareness Week’. I have written previously about my struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Here are some lesser-known facts about OCD:

1. It is one of the most debilitating illnesses

The World Health Organisation ranks OCD as one of the top ten most disabling illnesses in terms of lost earnings and diminished quality of life.

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Planes, trains and… autism

I want to introduce you to one of the important men in my life, Jordan Willis. He is my 17 year old cousin and he has autism.

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Sarah Rants: OCD is no joke

I’m deviating from my usual subject of travel today. I want to talk about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD as it commonly goes by.  I want to show you that OCD is more than being clean. More than disliking odd numbered things. More than putting your DVDs in alphabetical order.

People who suffer from OCD do not enjoy doing these things. They don’t feel fully satisfied after completing the activity. People with OCD do these things because they feel they HAVE to and the anxiety associated with the activity is released only temporarily.

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Boo Hoo – Post Travel Blues

If you saw the title of this post and expect all the answers to making post travel blues better, you’re in the wrong place. I don’t have the answers. Maybe if and when that day comes, I’ll write about that too! I started thinking about this issue when I read Ashley Abroad’s post “What I Miss Most About Long-Term Travel“.  I knew I was sad to not be travelling. but I hadn’t really thought about what I missed or what I wished I had done/was doing.

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