How does one unpack a week where one did nothing?
No really, I did nothing. I got to wind down, watch TV, play PlayStation and I even sat down with the laptop and wrote.
I have always been a reader. In primary school, my nose was always in a book and the library could not add books quick enough for me.
Now I am in my twenties, that love has not lessened. This year I enjoyed many books and I am excited to share some of these with you.
There are endless lists of ‘Christmas films to watch’. Inside these lists are favourites including Home Alone, Elf, Scrooged and The Muppet Christmas Carol. Yes, they are Christmas films, but a Christmas film is so much more than that.
I have made it to week two of my ‘weekly’ updates. What a great week it was as well. Why? It is Christmas week and for me, that means doing as little as possible for as long as possible.
I didn’t open my laptop for five days; something unheard of for myself, but some time away from the screen was well needed.
It starts off as a great idea. “I’m going let my readers know what I have been up to in round up posts.” The same idea I recently decided to act upon.
I see so many bloggers attempt this and give up or forget about their weekly updates. I am going to try my best and life is incredibly busy. I hope I can keep up.